Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Well, I have been thinking of doing this for a couple of weeks and really don't know where to start.  I just thought that a blog might be a good outlet for me to share the things of life that are difficult, or joyful, or creative.  The first thing to do is tell about myself I suppose...

James and I got married July 14, 2007.  I never would have imagined the joys and pains that we have experienced throughout the last almost four years.  I new I loved and had married a wonderful man then, but now I truly know how blessed I am to have married someone so perfect for me.  He truly is the right fit.  After our wedding we honeymooned in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  We loved it!

It truly was a wonderful beginning.

That first year of marriage was a year of adjustment and transitions.  I moved to a new town, started a new job, attended a new church, and left a lot of things behind that I loved... and though they weren't gone, they were different.  I suppose that is what marriage is all about.  Clinging to your new spouse and learning to be one.  Boy did I cling!  Being married to James was the easiest thing in my life that year.  I don't know what I would have done if we'd been struggling too.

About a year and a half after we got married, we decided to buy a house.  We hunted and hunted and finally decided on our little cottage in the dandelions in the summer of 2009.  (I say that because in the Spring, we are literally taken over by them.)

In October of the same year, I made my first trip down to the Dominican Republic and found the other love of my life.  I came home and told James that I could not imagine living the rest of my life and not go back there.  I even picked out the perfect spot, on top of a beautiful hill over looking the sweet little town of La Repressa to build our new Dominican Home.

The week after I returned home from the DR, we found out we were pregnant... then two days later we found out that we weren't.  We miscarried almost immediately after finding out.  Recovering from our grief was quite a journey.  We decided a few months later to try for another baby.  But it wasn't time.. it took us a year and a half to finally conceive again. Unfortunately, our second pregnancy was short lived as well.  January, 2011 we miscarried once again.  I never realized how you could miss something that you never got to meet.  Our hearts were once again broken.  Several tests later, my doctor found out that I had a folic acid deficiency... problem solved?  I started again monitoring my ovulation cycles and due to our new findings, took 8 folic acid pills a day.  Much to our surprise, we turned up pregnant just a short time later with baby number 3.  This one definitely not tried for or planned, so we thought, "Well, maybe this one is meant to be!"

Everything seemed to be going well.  I'd had none of the signs of the previous two miscarriages and we were scheduled to see our baby for the first time on Friday, June 3rd.  Sadly, we saw our baby but there was no heartbeat.  So, here we go again- on a journey to recovery.  We know that we serve a loving and faithful God.  We know that His plan is bigger and better than our own.  And we are so very thankful for the friends and family that we have continuously lifting us to Him in prayer.

We will be okay.  We know the plans He has for us are good.  Plans to prosper us and not to harm us.

Jeremiah 29:11


  1. Man, that's tough, we also had a miscarriage, and know a family member that has had multiple miscarriages and even the still born and now has 2 beautiful children. God certainly has a plan. I love Jeremiah 29:11, also like this. "God will never leave or forsake you!" Hebrews 13:5-6

  2. Love that you are blogging now, Checken! It's good to see what is going on in your life. Your strength and faith are inspiring!

  3. You are a wonderful person, excellent role model, terrific teacher, and beautiful lady. My daughter and I will remember you forever.
