Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Adventures of Super Andy

Well, I've once again been hanging on to a secret.... one that has given me joy and excitement mixed with much worry and anxiety....

That's right, friends.... you can have ALL of those emotions at once.  (Just ask my husband about the roller coaster he lives with.)

On January 31st, we welcomed with great joy the news of a new baby!  Our sweet boy has never been "an only child" in my heart, but now if things go as planned, one month after he turns two years old, somewhere around the October 5th mark, our little hero will be getting a sidekick.

I'm twelve weeks along today and boy can I tell you that it is true what they say!  Every pregnancy is different.  I must have been terribly spoiled by my Anderson.  He was such a nice little thing not making his momma so sick.  This time around has been a totally different ball game.  I am pretty sure I've already endured every known pregnancy symptom- nothing like a little reassurance that things are going well.

Anyway, if I didn't let the cat out of the bag, my growing tummy would soon spill the beans.  I've been wearing maternity pants for a few weeks out of pure comfort... buttons and such don't feel so good.  But soon, it will be out of pure necessity.

Please, join us in praying for peanut number two and all of the transitions to come.  Though he doesn't understand it now, Anderson will soon be sharing mommy and daddy's attention with someone new...


And just because I know some of you will ask, the dreaded baby bump picture...

(Don't mind my sleepy eyes... it was nap time at the Lee house.)