Monday, September 19, 2011

& Hopes of Another

So, a couple of weeks ago, I got the urge to get out my fall decorations.  I am not usually a seasonal decorator except for fall and Christmas.  I like fall decorations that can stay out from now until Thanksgiving.  Then, of course, it is time for Christmas trees and garland.  
It has been a challenging week for me.  I have felt down in the dumps for several days, so I decided that I needed some therapy.  Being creative is a release for me.  I was feeling the tug, so today after work I went to one of my favorite places - Hobby Lobby!  I walk through those doors and my creative juices start flowing.  I can't explain the thrill of feeling my wheels turn.

As I walked around the aisles and aisles of beautiful things I found something that struck me.  I looked at it - and looked at it - and then I walked away.  THEN I came back.  These cycles continued for 2 more hours!  I was wandering around and around and kept right on coming back to the same spot.  I know, ridiculous, right?  I finally decided that this was something that struck me for a reason. The thing that so infected my thoughts and monopolized my time was a collage of frames with the word "family" and three places for photographs. One simple problem, there are only two of us.  That extra frame was nagging at me.  I so desperately desire for there to be another to fill that third frame.  So, I decided to make a place saver;  a reminder for myself of the hope that we have in God's promised plan for our lives. 

Our Family:
James, Ashley